Litter Box Problems Got You Puzzled? Frustrated?

Need help solving litter box problems?

Has your cat suddenly started to use the carpet or floor as a toilet?

Can't figure out why? Puzzled by this behavior?

Let's ease your frustration and get your kitty back on track.

Jazzy the cat with text overlay The Cat Lovers Guide to Litter Box Problems

Solving these problems is a challenging task. To fix your problem, you'll have to learn more about cat behavior, and remember that there can be several factors involved.

Despite the fact that I've had a page up on litter box problems for quite some time, I continue to get many requests for help from visitors surrounding this and related problems.

I've put together this more extensive guide in the hopes that this will give you many ideas and strategies on how to overcome your problems.

As this website becomes more and more popular, I unfortunately don't have the time to respond individually to requests for help via email.

In addition, I am not a veterinarian, and am not qualified to give such advice. I am also not an animal behaviorist or a pet psychologist, and I don't have any formal training in these areas.

I do, however, understand cats quite well, and I certainly know how frustrating it can be to try to understand them, especially when they're having problems.

So, here's what I've put together...

Cat Litter Box Problems Guide

Cat Box Problem Overview
Of all the categories of cat behavior problems, box problems can be one of the most difficult to overcome. Sadly, it's been reported that the most common behavioral reason for an adult pet cat to be given up to a shelter is an unresolved problem with inappropriate elimination. Here we'll cover the behavioral and physical causes of this issue.

Tips for Solving Litter Box Problems
Solving cat box problems can be a challenge. Anything from an illness to stress can throw your cat off her routine. Your veterinarian needs to be involved in the discussion, and physical problems ruled out before you approach the behavioral issues. You should be aware that even the most well adjusted cat can be thrown off by stress. Stress can come from many sources, including a change in household routine, the addition of a family member or pet, or the death of another pet. Even changing the amount of attention your cat receives can put stress on your cat.

Anatomy of a Cat Box Problem
Solving a litter box problem means being patient, diligent, and consistent with your cat. If your cat develops litter box aversion, the original cause can either be medical in nature, or it may be behavioral. If there's a health issue, it will need to be dealt with first. Either way, some retraining may be required to get your cat back on track.

Litter Box FAQ
I've seen some general litter box questions come up repeatedly, and thought I'd put them together in this FAQ (frequently asked questions) document.

Reasons Your Cat Won't Use the Cat Box
Some of the main reasons your can't won't use the litter box.

Solving Cat Urine Problems
Nobody wants guests to walk in and be able to guess by the smell that they've got a cat. There are two main types of urination problems in cats... inappropriate urination, and spraying or marking behavior.

Solving Defecation Problems
If you have a problem with your cats defecating outside of the litter box, but urinating inside the litter box, you might find some relief contained within these question and answer pages.

What's Your Choice for the Best Cat Litter?
One of our readers, Lynn, asked for some help, so we put out a call for opinions on the best cat litter.

Is the Cheapest Cat Litter Really as Cheap as You Think?
I tested the cheapest cat litter I could find for 120 days. I found that it wasn't providing the savings I thought it would.

Should You Use Flushable Litter?
Can you really flush cat litter, or are you risking your plumbing? And... is flushable cat litter biodegradable?

Starting Your New Cat Off Right

If you have a new cat or kitten at home, it's best to start them off right so that you don't encounter litter box problems in the future. You might want to have a look at the cat box basics section of the site, including information on the pros and cons of automatic and self-cleaning boxes.

Litter Box Training
Basic cat litter box training requires providing the right environment for your cat.

Cat Litter Box Training Tips
Information on box training in a tip sheet.

If your cat won't use the litter box, or is experiencing some kind of related issue, these pages are here to help to guide you as you work with your vet or other professional. If you'd like to contribute to this site and either post a problem or a resolution, please see the form and instructions below.

As for my own experiences with my cats in this area, while Teddie has had her bouts of constipation, and Frankie has had issues with what I call "cling ons," none of the three Cat Lovers Only cats have ever had clinical litter box problems. There has never been a case of inappropriate elimination in the house, so I have not had to personally conquer this beast.

When Teddie is having constipation problems, she plays around in the box and swishes the litter around, but doesn't go. She'll visit the box many times within a short time span, and sometimes she'll act like she's trying, but no dice. Eventually, she uses the box.

If your cat is acting like that, it's probably not related to what we normally call box problems. She may be constipated, however, which can lead to long term bowel health problems. Also, feline constipation can have a number of causes, including impacted anal glands. So make sure you follow up with your vet.

Have A Cat Litter Box Problem? Or... Have A Solution To One?

Do you have a cat litter box problem with your kitty? Or... do you have a solution to one that would help someone else? A fix that worked for you, or might work for someone else? Share it!

This is our discussion forum where you can help and be helped by other Cat Lovers Only readers!

You and others can comment, and vote on submissions so that other readers can know which solutions work most often.

Check back here in a while to see your post as submissions need to be approved. I'll do my best to get to them as soon as possible.

Problems and Solutions from Other Visitors

Click below to see problems and solutions posted by other visitors to this page...

My 4 month old kitten never uses the litter box 
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my …

My cat takes a clump out of the litter box 
My cat has started taking clumps out of the litter box to play ball with.

Litter box problem involving female feral cats 
I have 3 cats. All different. One male, an orange tabby. 2 Female cats. One is a coal black tuxedo cat, young and gets into everything. These two get along …

Stopped using kitty litter after sibling died 
My cat's sibling died and now he will not use the kitty litter. He meows until we let him outside.

My cat will not use a litter box 
My cat lives in a loving home with her cat mother, myself, and 2 children. She is very affectionate. When I went back to work after Covid, she started …

We use a Litter Robot but my cat is a kicker 
Hi! Me and my partner have three cats so we decided to get a Litter Robot. We've had it for a few months now. My 2 year old DSH likes to kick out litter …

Using sand as a litter 
I use sand as a litter as I can't afford litter. I live in a flat and there are very few areas where I can find sand. So my question was, is it okay to …

Material to keep dogs out of cat litter boxes using paper based cat litter? 
Dogs keep getting into the cats' Paper Based Cat Litter. It is so bad that if I have not been able to get to cleaning out the cat box and I am not watching, …

I need a quiet litter 
When my deaf cat uses the litter box, my other cat can hear her scratching and comes to attack. I need a litter that makes less noise so my attack cat …

Cat not using litter box after kicking him out 
At first, he used it all the time - he kicks up lots of litter - so I started kicking him out of the box after he pooped. Fast forward - he wants to go …

Problem: I am always wiping my cat's butt 
I have two cats, brother and sister (they are one year old). She is very neat using the litter box. He, however, squats really low when he pees and hops …

Elderly cat going to the bathroom outside box 
I have a male cat and he’s 20+ years old. He started urinating and defecating outside the box so I put his box in the bedroom where he sleeps. He continued …

My kitten keeps stepping into the box with my other cat 
I have a 6-month-old kitten and a 7-year-old cat. They've finally gotten used to each other, but we are still having litter box problems. We have two boxes, …

Frantic, prolonged litter box pawing 
I just noticed my 4-year-old Frida pawing at her litter box. She had just pooped, frantically pawing at the corner, for a long time. I looked and it (poop) …

My cat goes toilet outside my house and I'm starting work 
My cat goes toilet outside, but I'm going to go to work. How is my cat going to go to the toilet without me able to open the door?

Orphaned kitten not grasping the concept of going in the litter box 
I've raised this kitten from only days old. The mother was dead. Had no problem weaning her, but she is content to poop or pee in her bedding or as she …

New kitten from shelter won’t use litter box 
I just adopted a Siamese mix kitten that’s 3 months old. The shelter had just neutered him two days before. (That seems early to me but I don’t know much …

17 year old cat suddenly stopped using litter box 
She will pee and poop on newspaper. I've had her to the vet three times in the last month. They said she's very healthy for her age. There have been no …

Indoor-outdoor cat stopped using litter box in favor of living room 
We have a 5 or 6-year-old, spayed cat. She is an indoor-outdoor cat and has always used the litter box, but preferred to go outside. We do have a younger …

How to change a cat's habit with litter box? 
I just got a cat today and then I learned from the previous owner that this cat hates the sand-texture. She always used a lifting type of litter box but …

New kitten hates box 
I just got a kitten yesterday. She is five weeks old and she refuses to use the litter box. She didn’t like the first litter we bought and she would …

Cat will not use new automatic litter box 
My girlfriend's cat has grown up with pellet litter. Fast forward three years later, and we decided to change litter to a new sand based kind, with an …

Cat runs quickly to another room after using litter box 
I got a 4-year-old male cat from the shelter about 2 weeks ago and he is in his litter box often. Every time he gets out of it, he runs out of it very …

Elderly cat misses the litter box 
My 15-year-old female cat will put her head into the box and pee or poo outside, and then walk through the box to the other side and pee or poo (vice-versa). …

Click here to write your own.

Newly spayed 8 year old female cat not using litter box 
I have an 8-year-old female cat who just got spayed three days ago. We brought her home yesterday, and she's been drinking water and eating (but not as …

How can I teach my cat to cover her poop in the litter box? 
I got my cat when she was just a tiny kitten. She has never covered her poo or pee when she uses the litter box. She will scratch the sides of the box, …

How do I get my cat to pee and poop in her litter box? 
My one year old cat got fixed two months ago. Before she was fixed she was perfectly fine, an inside-outside cat. While she had her cone on, we had …

Kitty in heat refuses to use box 
We just adopted a 7-month-old female tabby. She is sweet and quirky and we love her, but she has been in heat since we brought her home 6 days ago and …

Roommate does not take care of cats 
My current roommate has three cats, one litter box and had one food bowl when I first moved in with her. I quickly noticed that two cats were underfed …

Big litter box in dining room 
My son's cat (female) is using the dining room carpet as a litter box. My thoughts: I'm sorry to hear that your son's cat is having problems. …

Cat in mourning won't use litter box 
My female cat of 10 years has stopped using her litter box. Her house mate of 10 years, died a month ago and she has had litter box issues ever since. …

Cat refuses to use litter box in basement 
I have had two rescued brother cats for 16 years. One had thyroid problems and then kidney problems and was ill for a long time. Their box had always …

Cats doing their business outside the litter tray 
Hi, I was telling a friend of mine that a friend has a cat that pees and poops outside of her litter tray. She suggested that she try spreading around …

Cat refuses to use his litter tray 
I have a chance of giving a home to a 7 year old neutered cat. Unfortunately, he refuses to use his litter tray. I don't want him doing this. So unless …

Cat is angry because a stray cat gave birth in our house 
I know my old female cat, Banquo is angry because a stray cat came and gave birth in our house--we make sure the new cat never crosses paths with Banquo, …

6 year old Maine Coon not using litter box 
I have a 6 year old female Maine Coon and a 5 year old male tabby. Two months ago, we adopted a Boston terrier/chihuahua. The cats obviously do not like …

Cats won't use new covered litter box 
My cats have been using a litter box for 10+ years. I got a new covered one and now one or both are peeing on the floor just outside the box opening! …

Cat pees in one room poops in the other 
My kitten is roughly a year old now, and when we got her she was fully trained to use the litter box. But as the past 2 months have been going she started …

Feral kittens and their litter boxes 
A nice neighbor GAVE us two feral kittens. I introduced them to the litter box first thing even before food and water. They pooped and peed on our bed. …

My cat poops and pees in the food bowl? 
I have a brother and sister cat - 8 yrs old. They have been great up until 2 days ago. I came home from work and there was poop in the food bowl. The …

My cat isn't using the litter box in my new apartment 
Hi! I recently moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend. I got my cat, Marley, who is about 2 and a half, while in college. He lived with me in …

Kitten will not use litter box 
We got a kitten at the age of 47 days because the lady wasn't taking care of the kittens, so we took her away from her mother early. Since then we have …

Anna poops outside the box 
After my wife's favorite cat passed away on Thanksgiving, we adopted 2 kittens, both females from a shelter. They had been spayed, etc. They were about …

15 year old spayed female urinating/defecating on bathroom rug at night only 
Our 15 year female cat began using the bathroom rug for her night time potty. She has 2 litter boxes that we try to keep clean. During the day she uses …

Cat not using litter box after death of our other cat 
We had two cats and one of them got a urinary obstruction. We had to put him down. Our other cat stopped pooping in the litter box they used together so …

My cat is very messy 
My cat, Franklin, is a shelter cat we got on 6/6/15. He is about 2 years old, and the shelter actually told me he was a little messy. Franklin goes …

Outdoor cat has whole yard, but pees and poops at back door 
We live in a quiet neighborhood with a dead-end surrounded by canals. Our cat has the whole backyard to pee and poop in, including sandy, earthy patches …

Training a kitten from feral momma to use a litter box 
I have been trying to train kittens from a feral momma to use a litter box to no avail! They are rambunctious 8 week olds. They stay outside and I need …

My cat goes beside the couch 
I have one cat. She is almost a year old. We have never had a problem with her using the box. These past few weeks though, she has started going both …

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We have one cat pooping and peeing on the floors and rugs 
We have 4 cats, two from her house, and two from mine. 3 were ferals, 1 is a longhair. We had two small boxes in the laundry room, and we moved them outside …

Small Litter Box, Long Cat (Solution) 
My 1 1/2 year old, l8 lb. female cat is average but, boy, is she long. I am 5 ft. tall and if Amber stands on her hind legs, her front paws reach above …

My new kitten has started pooping on my bed! 
June Bug is the newest kitten in the house. We have one other cat who is under a year old. Within the last 2 weeks, June Bug has been pooping on my bed. …

My cat poops on the rug 
I have two three year old male cats. They are neutered. One of them is fine with the litter box. The other one is, too, but a week ago he started to …

Litter box problem with 2 cats 
I have two four-year old tabbies (one male, one female litter mates) neutered and spayed. In the last few months, the male has begun to refuse to use his …

Cat pees on edge of litter box and on floor 
Cat is in the litter box but pees on the edge of the litter box, and on the floor. We have 3 cats and 3 litter boxes. One of the cats (we don't know …

Cat stopped using the litter after surgery (resolved) 
My cat recently had her tail amputated due to a break. It was hard to keep an eye on her during recovery, but after her wound healed, she started pooping …

6 week old kitten won't use litter box 
Our cat recently had 2 kittens, 1 female and 1 male. They are almost 6 weeks old... the female kitten won't use the litter box. I have discovered that …

After move, cat won't use litter box 
Hello, We recently moved, and now my cat won't use her litter box at all. She is going everywhere else but inside it. She is fixed. When we moved she …

Six year old cat started pooping on floor 
My friend's six year old cat started pooping on the floor after the other cat scared her out of the litter box while she was using it. My Friend has …

My kitten is pooping and peeing right next to the litter box 
I am fairly meticulous about keeping the litter box clean for my three cats, Sam, Bells and Diego. However this morning I came out of my room to notice …

Pooping in tub, peeing in the drain 
Seriously, one of our older male cats poops in the tub, most of the time leaving a horrible stain which cannot be removed! I've witnessed him 3 times …

Two newly adopted cats won't use their litter box 
Hi! I adopted two 9 month old male kittens (brothers) just over 24 hours ago. I thought everything was going fine, but I'd never seen either one of them …

My adult cat won't use litter box 
A stray kitty came to our house. Then in a couple of weeks we found out that she is pregnant. We let her in and she had her babies in the house. She won't …

My cat Sam and the litter box 
Sam, the litter box and his other strange habits, lately. We have a stray cat that just came to live with us one day about 2 1/2 years, ago. He has been …

5 year old cat started pooping in front of garage door instead of in litter box 
My 5 year old cat has started pooping in front of the garage door instead of in her box. Lilly is 5 years old and has been pretty good about using her …

Kitten will not use the litter box 
I just received two six week old kittens one uses the litter box the other will not. We have put him in and he has gone in it, but he will not get in it …

FIX: Reason For Cats NOT Using a BOX 
I have had a few cats in my lifetime that wouldn't use the box. It turned out simply that they didn't like the type of litter I was using so I changed …

Litter training an adult cat 
I have a cat that has returned to my home after being feral for over a year. He no longer uses the litter box despite all my efforts. Please, how can …

My cat won't use the litter box since being spayed 
My cat Christie always used to use the litter box but since she was spayed 3 yrs ago, she urinates & poops outside of the litter box. Litter box is …

Maine Coon Kitten Poops Outside of Litter Box 
I have a four month old Maine Coon Kitten that is pooping outside of her litter box; she is an indoor cat. When I first got her 2 months ago, she did not …

My cat poops on my son's bed 
My cat poops on my son's bed after my kids are away for the weekend. Our cat is a shaded silver Persian, almost 3 years old. She is my daughter's cat and …

5 month old kitten has sudden change in behavior and potty habits 
We got our 5 month old Maine Coon mix a month ago. He has used the litter box until today. I also have noticed he has become less social. He use to be …

Litter box problem started recently 
My male cat Strider will be 3 in August and sometime around the beginning of the year (around March) he ate some string. He went to the vet and he gave …

Cat Genie - Keeping The Litter Granules In The Box 
Keeping the litter granules in the Cat Genie! Everytime the box gets used, litter is kicked/tracked out. Lots of it. It's in every room & stuck to …

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My cat's bathroom behavior is degenerating! 
My cat's bathroom behavior is degenerating and now she goes EVERYWHERE! I have two cats - male and female - and the male is very tidy and never ever …

My cat poops and pees in the house 
I have two cats. They grew up together and they are both 14 years old. One is a black Angora and the other a Tabby. The black one does not groom itself …

My kitten poops and pees on countertops and anything off the ground 
The kitten was from a mommy that stays outdoors. I took kitty when he was weaned from mom and kept him in the bathroom until he was comfortable. He …

Problem: My cat doesn't clean herself 
She uses the litter box but doesn't clean herself afterward. I'm having to wash her rear every day or I find little brown poop spots all over my bed, …

My cat poops and pees on carpet  
My 9 yr. old female cat has recently started peeing and pooping on the carpet in my dining room instead of using the litter box. I don't know what to …

My Cat is pooping on the porch - on purpose! 
My cat is pooping on my screened-in deck, on purpose! I've tried scrubbing the rug and floor where he's decided to leave it, my Mom tried making him …

Cat has diarrhea on the rugs 
I have a roommate that has a cat that has diarrhea all the time. She took her to the vet and the Dr ran a bunch of tests, but they came back normal. …

problem - my cat goes everywhere 
I don't know what to do? My kitten is 17 weeks now I got her off a breeder about 6 weeks ago, at first she wouldn't use the litter box at all? Then i got …

Problem: My cat only makes it half way in the box!!!  
Please help. Our cat KC has a real problem making it all the way into the box. She is healthy, well adjusted, loved, clean litter, not stressed, etc …

male cat overspray  
My large male cat is very fussy and the litter box must be cleaned often or he will not use the box. He has started to over spray the box even when …

Elimination Location 
My fourth cat and baby, Sasha just started going in the house a couple of weeks ago. She has gone in the dining room three times, which is only steps from …

Cat plays with poo 
My cat keeps taking poo out of his litter box to play with as a toy. How can I get him to stop?

My 6 month old cat defecates on the leather sofa 
My 6 month old kitten occasionally likes to defecate on my leather sofa. Most of the time she uses her litter box. I am using the Breeze system and …

My cat has started peeing and pooping behind my couch 
My brother, sister-in-law and niece moved in with me about 8 months ago and everything seemed to be OK, but now my cat has started peeing and pooping behind …

New male cat does not use the box 
My cat poops and pees outside the box. I just adopted two new cats, one female, the other a male. The male is 2 years old and does not use the litter box. …

Cat sleeping in litter box 
I just adopted a four-month female kitten from the Humane Society. I have had her for four days and she has been a happy, loving, kitten, always jumping …

I just moved and cat is too scared to find the litter box 
I just moved from a small one bedroom apartment to a large house with five roommates, which I know is a huge change. My cat adjusted well to my bedroom …

Don't be lazy cleaning those litter boxes, that's their bathroom ! 
Always take care of those litter boxes. If that was your bathroom how would you feel if it was filthy?

Eating Cat Litter! 
She's messing on the carpet and eating her cat litter! Daisy was the perfect cat until recently. She started peeing little by little at each heat cycle. …

Cat started defecating and urinating outside litter box Not rated yet
I've lived in a pet friendly apartment complex for four years now. My cat has always used the litter box. Two new neighbors moved in downstairs. Both have …

My cat still won't use her litter box after six months Not rated yet
My cat's previous owner peed in her litter box because he thought it would make her use it, but really the box just needed to be cleaned more often. …

Cat uses pee strips instead of litter box Not rated yet
We adopted Cali when she was 4 months old from a rescue center. We brought her home to a 2-year-old and an 8-year-old. All have been spayed and are exclusively …

My cat doesn't use the litter box at night Not rated yet
My male cat, who is three months old, uses his litter box on a daily basis, but at night when we are asleep he pees and poops on the carpet. I clean the …

Eliminating cat boxes Not rated yet
I have three indoor/outdoor cats. We live in the northeast, and in the winter they do not like going out. Can I get rid of the litter boxes during the …

My 5 month old kitten rarely uses the litter box Not rated yet
Instead she uses the carpet in the washroom. She then scrapes the carpet as if it was the litter? She has three other cats living with her the same age, …

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Why are my cats peeing everywhere? Not rated yet
I have four cats. Three are male and one is a female. Two males are fixed and one male and the female are not. They have grown up together. For a short …

Getting cat to use litter box outside Not rated yet
About six weeks ago, I decided to move the litter boxes out of my room and put them outside in the catio. It took a few days for the cats to give in and …

Ragdoll pees and poops outside the box at night Not rated yet
I have a pure bred Ragdoll. She is now six years old. She was completely litter trained from a kitten, but ever since getting her as a kitten she won't …

Cats hangs butt over edge of litter box Not rated yet
My cat will hang his butt over the edge of the litter box ever since he stood in his own poo. I tried to give him more space to remove the top of the box, …

16 year old cat suddenly refused to use the litter box Not rated yet
Devilcat is 16.5 years old and just had radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism. Afterwards, he was secluded for two weeks in a large guest room …

4 month old kitten pees on the kitchen counter Not rated yet
Two male kittens showed up at our house about 5 weeks ago. They are about 4 months old. They used the litter boxes we provided from day one. A couple …

2 out of 3 pee or poop inappropriately Not rated yet
My hubby and I are just SO frustrated!! Beyond words, ha ha. But, we really are not laughing. :( We just cannot afford 4 litter boxes, litter, etc. …

Following loss of sibling, cat peeing all over house Not rated yet
Has anyone had experience with helping an old cat grieve over the loss of his sibling and starting to pee all over the house? We are 1 week into this …

Litter box sharing Not rated yet
We brought a female cat home after losing our 23 year old female. Thought our 9 year old boy would like to have a lovely female companion again, same age. …

My cats mainly use the litter only when I'm eating or just getting to sleep Not rated yet
My first cat started doing this and all of a sudden the two kittens I acquired a few months ago started doing it too. They mainly use the litter box …

Peeing and pooping outside the litter box but only at night Not rated yet
My baby Harley has just begun avoiding her kitty box but only at night. She is three years old and has no signs of medical issues. This is day two of …

Kitten has never used litter consistently Not rated yet
We had two cats already when we fostered a mother cat and her four kittens. The kittens were 3 weeks old at the time, and the mother and 3 of the kittens …

New mom cat with litter box aversion Not rated yet
Since giving birth six weeks ago, my female cat won't use the cat litter box to poo in. Though she will have a wee in there, she decides to poo everywhere …

New 2 year old cat won't use the litter tray and is hiding Not rated yet
I've just bought a 2 year old female cat and she won't use the litter box. She is urinating on the kitchen floor and she hasn't used her litter tray. She …

Kitten butt scratching Not rated yet
I have a 6-week old kitten I got from the pound. She uses the litter box just fine, but... After depositing feces, she sits on it then rubs her butt in …

Strong urine odor from spayed female cat Not rated yet
We have had Sassy for two years now (a rescue). She is fixed, indoor/outdoor. She is on the same food/feeding schedule and diet as when she came to us …

Newly adopted cat afraid to use the litter box Not rated yet
We adopted a sweet, very non-confrontational 16 month old cat. She is constantly being "tag teamed" by our other two cats. She has consequently developed …

5 month old female kitten will not use litter box Not rated yet
I adopted a 5 month old female kitten, she is fixed, up to date on all shots and in good health. She used the litter box at the shelter and now that she …

My couch is not a litter box! Not rated yet
My 11 1/2 month old female Maine Coon kitty named Minnie has started peeing on our couch. We have 2 cats and two litter boxes, and she has never done this …

Adopted Birman cat urinating and defecating on couch Not rated yet
I adopted a 4 year old Birman cat who seems to be using my leather couch as its litter tray - help!!! I thought at first that it was territorial weeing, …

Female cat quit going in her kitty box Not rated yet
I have a monster of a cat when she goes in heat. She is the best cat you could ever have. But now we have a fight over the litter box. She will go on …

Cat defecating outside litter box only during the night Not rated yet
We recently adopted a cat from a hoarder who had 20 cats in her home. He has diarrhea which we are treating with an antibiotic. During the day he urinates …

My 8 Mo Old Kitten Never Learned Properly? Not rated yet
Mishka, my 8 month old recently adopted Siamese mix, is an only cat. She uses her litter box perfectly well when she needs to go. She has always gone …

My 2 cats won't let new cat use litter box! Not rated yet
I have 2 cats... 1 male and 1 female, that get along very well. I got a new kitty 2 years ago and the 2 older kitties still pick on the new one, even though …

Male tabby is marking and defecating Not rated yet
The problem started with my 10 1/2 yr old male tabby - we have several stray cats and my cat started marking and urinating on and in front of my out side …

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My kitten had an accident on my boyfriend's bed Not rated yet
I had gone away to the city for one day and night and I received an angry message from my boyfriend Saturday morning saying that my kitten had pooped and …

Help! Litter box aversion! Not rated yet
I have a Maine Coon mix that was recently treated for an anal gland abscess. He's healing up great, pretty much all healed now, but since pooping was …

2 year old cat urinating and defecating on newly laid porcelain tiled floor Not rated yet
Please help, we have a 2 year old male neutered cat which has started urinating and defecating on a newly laid porcelain tiled floor. We have had this …

Kitten petrified of the litter box Not rated yet
Hello All! I have one 22 yr old domestic and just rescued 3 (I was just getting 1) kittens. They came litter trained and were fine until today the more …

Kitten won't use litter box when new cat in house Not rated yet
I have a cat who is almost 2 and he is fixed and another cat a female, she is not fixed and she is close to 6 months. We have tried to get other cats/kittens …

My 5 month old kitten eats the litter! Not rated yet
My boyfriend and I found our kitten when she was only 3 weeks old, thrown out of a car and sick with an upper respiratory infection. We nursed her back …

Cat is pooing and peeing in dining room on carpet Not rated yet
My 16 1/2 year old cat is suddenly pooing and peeing on the dining room carpet. Put a shower curtain down and now she goes on that every night. I have …

Cat ingested a toxin, won't use the litter box Not rated yet
Our cat, Molly is two and a half, she is the most lovable happy cat I have ever had (and I've had cats my whole life). The vet says she ingested a toxin …

My cat poops near the litter box but not in Not rated yet
My cat poops everywhere near the litter box but not in it. For over a year now, my 10 year old cat, Smokey has started pooping outside of the litter box. …

Kitty litter box problem Not rated yet
We found a stray kitten about 5 weeks old. She uses the litter box but also uses the floor in other rooms. Can you help? My Thoughts: …

Problem: Kittens poo in box but pee everywhere Not rated yet
I got two new kittens from my aunt and uncle a few weeks ago. They let us have them at 7 or 8 weeks, and we have had them for about two maybe three weeks …

My cat was sick, is better but still wont return to the litter box. Not rated yet
I have 3 cats. One 13 year old Burmese female, One 11 year old Burmese female and one 4 year old rescued male. The 2 Burmese are best friends and just …

Litter tracks Not rated yet
Our cat is now tracking litter all over the house. What do you suggest we do? My Thoughts: There are a number of solutions that …

kitty curtain, the litter box solution Not rated yet
I thought long and hard about the litter box. Number one was our 2 dogs getting into the litter box. This just made their bad breath worse. Also, it gives …

Cat never really used a litter box... and still wont. Not rated yet
I have two cats - one male one female. They are both outdoor cats, though they have been allowed access to the screened porch. The litter box used to …

Litter Box Problem - Litter changed two years ago, but she won't go back Not rated yet
Two years ago, my boyfriend tried changing his cat's brand of litter. She freaked out and refused to use the box at all. He instantly changed back, but …

Not using litter box Not rated yet
Hello, I'm hoping for some help. After having to put my 9 year old cat (Kennedy) down, I wanted to get another companion for my 7 year old cat (Khloe). …

Territorial Dispute? Not rated yet
After about two years of living together, Lancelot and Gandalf have decided to start marking on the carpeting. I lived with a cat for 11 years who did …

Box Aversion Not rated yet
Hello, I have a 4 year old male kitty named Chopper. There was a young man giving away kittens in front of a grocery store when I got him. He was much …

Small Apartment Not rated yet
My mother has a new small apartment. Where do you put a litter box when you have one bathroom, no utility room and you love your dear cat. My sister …

My cat poops and pees on my kitchen floor Not rated yet
She started peeing on the dinning room floor in oct 07 a few months after I moved in with my husband. He has 2 cats also. My cat has been chased and even …

My cat wants to live in the kitchen Not rated yet
I have an elderly cat, who used to hate the litter box, but used it properly when she had to. She always wanted to go outside to relieve herself. Within …

Can I place the litter box outside? Not rated yet
I live in a first floor condo with a patio enclosed by a 6 foot fence. I have a cat door leading to the patio which I leave open and my two cats go in …

Cat suddenly won't use litter box Not rated yet
I have two males and one female. The males are 6 and 4 years old. The female will be 2 in May (I got her when she was 6 weeks old). The female stopped …

Changing the location of the litter box Not rated yet
I have three cats (2 males and 1 female) who are all neutered. I have 2 litter boxes. One is down the basement and the other tucked into the corner of …

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Vented Cat Litter Box ! Not rated yet
Here's a suggestion from a reader: I love cats but have always hated one thing about them, the litter box. I looked for options for years. Then I found …

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We've pretty much covered every scenario through the posts listed above, but just in case...

Here's a list of resources on inappropriate elimination, the litter box, and spraying/marking behavior which either support the information I have published in this guide, or offer additional insight or a different perspective on the issues.

Cats International
Cats International offers information on feline behavior including training techniques and behavior modification. Problems such as destructive scratching, inappropriate elimination or house soiling, and aggression have been successfully treated.

Dumb Friends League
The Dumb Friends League is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1910. They provide a wide variety of resources for cat lovers, including some of the best advice on cat litter box problems.
Veterinary Partner has a good page on the differences between spraying/marking territory and inappropriate elimination.

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