Cat not using litter box after kicking him out

by Lisa

At first, he used it all the time - he kicks up lots of litter - so I started kicking him out of the box after he pooped. Fast forward - he wants to go outside now to do his business.

My question is: because I was kicking him out, even after the deed, would he think I wanted him to go elsewhere? Thank you, Lisa

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Mar 10, 2021
Cats are good at association
by: Sally F.

Cats are good at associating a bad experience with something. I would never kick a cat out of a litter box, because that might make him associate the litter box with a bad experience and not want to use it.

So yes, I think it's possible he doesn't want to use the box because using the box has led to an unpleasant outcome in the past.

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