Love cats? Don't want to miss anything? Click here to keep up with the most recent meows and purrs via email. Below are the most recent posts on cat health, behavior, products, and how to be a better cat lover. New pages, including visitor contributions, and recently updated pages are listed here.
Above is a head shot of Teddie Monster cat sitting on the Sony laptop I used to write the very first web page (and many more) for Cat Lovers Only.
Ok, let's look at the latest blog entries below...
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
Continue reading "My 4 month old kitten never uses the litter box"
At Purradox Sphynxery, our vision and mission reflect our passion for raising exceptional Sphynx cats and creating lasting connections with loving families.
When we first adopted our male British Shorthair cat, we tried to give him a shower which to me was the same as our other cat, and at first there were
We have 2 3 year old cats and they have been together since they were kittens. Ever since one was a kitten, every April/May, she starts scratching her
Continue reading "Cat is scratching to the point of bleeding! Help!"
My cat will occasionally groom my hair while laying in bed. Does she look upon me as her kitten?
My cat often rubs noses with me. Is this a greeting gesture?
I never see one of my cats drink water anymore. Not from a bowl nor from the water fountains. I clean the fountains with soap and water every 3 days, so
Continue reading "Is my cat getting enough fluids from the gravy lovers cat food?"
Lululemon was found as a kitten inside of a dumpster on a construction job site.
Giovanni: Gio for short or just GG. Goofy, lovable Maine Coon cat.
A well known TNR group is going to TNR an abandoned house and there are about 10 tame Siamese in there. They have been sending me pics. I've run a 501c3
Continue reading "Arizona Society for the Importance of Animals"
She is drinking water, but I cannot seem to tempt her into eating anything. I know refusing to eat can rapidly turn into a crisis situation. Should I try
Continue reading "What can I do to get a cat with runny eyes and nose to eat? "
He's so friendly. Here's how it all started. My mom's first cat, she got at Montcalm and his name was mama baby. He looked like a black cat. He was extremely
Continue reading "My favorite Tigger in the world, I introduce you to my cat"
I am fostering a 4-week-old female kitten named Scream. We received Scream and her brother Midnight on the Ninth of October 2024. Unfortunately, Midnight
I have 2 females cats, M, 1 year old and the first one we got and Y, 3 years old. We tried to introduce them 3 times now, unsuccessfully. M keeps chasing
Continue reading "Will changing homes help my cats get along?"
We had two female cats that did urine marking over territories in several areas in my house. We cleaned the best we could as we found the spots with Nature's
Four cats to one cat in 18 months. Age related, 2@17years, 1@14. Ten year old female left, all cats were together indoors their entire lives. Should I
My 5 month old kitten brother's are being flown from Santa Ana to Seattle next week. They have fostered for 3 months after being found in a wood shed.
Continue reading "Bringing 4 month old kitties into a new home"
Last year, when I moved to a new home, there was this little cat—probably 2 or 3 months old. I used to feed him in the yard, but after some time, the neighbors
Continue reading "My veterinarian told me to release my cat in the park"
My daughter buried her cat in my backyard and now my cat is sleeping on his grave. They didn't know one another.
Continue reading "My cat is sleeping on the grave of another cat"
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