Litter box problem involving female feral cats

by Dave Scharffs
(Salt Lake city, Utah)

I have 3 cats. All different. One male, an orange tabby. 2 Female cats. One is a coal black tuxedo cat, young and gets into everything. These two get along well. The third is a Siamese mix. All have been fixed. The third cat is also a female and does not mingle well with the other two. She lives mainly in the basement with me.

The problem is even though there are 2 boxes in the basement, if the other female uses them, the Siamese will not and does her business all over the place on the carpets.

She prefers to use the rug in front of my shower to urinate on. I caught her, scolded her and she went into the family room behind the easy chair and did her stuff. Did I mention that all of them are feral cats that we took in to get them out of the cold?

I am about to turn her over to an animal shelter. She will most likely do well as a single cat, but her problem seems to be jealousy. The only other solution I can think of is locking her in the washroom. Her own box. Any other advice?

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Aug 07, 2024
Sounds like a dominance issue
by: Billy the Rat Catcher

It sounds like a dominance issue and yeah, I think she'd do better as an only cat. Of course, taking in feral cats is always hit or miss. Other than separation, either temporary or permanent, or giving her up, I don't have any advice.

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