YOWLER from Arlington

by Judy Dobson
(Arlington, VA USA)

Helping Mom with her game!

Helping Mom with her game!

I rescued YOWLER when she was less than 4 weeks old. She is a sandpaper kisser and I love it. Has had a lot of health issues, but I pray that she is on the way to staying well.

People must always remember that when they have a pet of any kind, it is a life time commitment. YOWLER will be 12 in April, 2014. Pray that she is with me and her bother and sister for many more years.

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Sweet Child with Kitty Kisses to Spare ...
by: Beth Bolick

I find that rescues are the best pets. Yowler looks a lot like my 13 y.o. Maine Coon, Munchkin (whom I rescued at a very young age too, not knowing that he'd be THIS BIG ... 20 lbs). My youngest, Sam, was feral and he's the one who gives me the best kitty kisses ever and I also have a 16 y.o. Calico, my oldest rescue ... OUR Cats are our lives. You mentioned that Yowler gives you sandpaper kisses ... I think that comes from appreciation for us rescuing them ... at least I hope so! Meowy Christmas to ALL!!!

by: Valerie Truax

Oh she is gorgeous. I have a 17 year old who still runs up and down the stairs and jumps on the bed so I am hoping your baby stays healthy and happy.

by: Grace

He looks just like my Maine Coon Garfield, who also likes to sit on my computer keyboard.

by: Anonymous

I wish you well and I hope you live many more years with your family. You are beautiful cat.

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