Will changing homes help my cats get along?

by Anonymous

I have 2 females cats, M, 1 year old and the first one we got and Y, 3 years old. We tried to introduce them 3 times now, unsuccessfully. M keeps chasing and fighting Y. She's even on meds because she's aggressive with us.

I'm gonna move on next month and even though I know it's stressfully for the cats, will it help them to get along, eventually?
Thank you.

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Possibly, but not all cats get along
by: David Angoluth

One thing to make sure of is that there are enough resources to go around. For example, say one cat is a bush dweller and likes to keep low to the ground and the other cat is a tree dweller and likes to be up high. If you don't have high spaces for the tree dweller, this creates stress.

After the move, try keeping them separated and allow the more aggressive cat to have the run of the house first.

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