Why is one of my male cats obsessed with smelling my other male cat's behind all of a sudden?

by Jamie
(Kansas City, MO)

I have two boy cats who have already met and have gotten along. Now all of a sudden, one of them wants to constantly smell the other's butt every chance he gets. But that's not all.

He also pins the other one down while biting his neck, but he doesn't do it like 2 cats who are mating would do. They're both fixed. Why is he doing this to him???

I have to keep them separate again and it's driving me crazy. If someone could shed some light on this situation I would be greatly appreciative.

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He may be ill
by: Sally F.

It's possible the sniffer is detecting illness in your other cat. If something doesn't smell right about him, that might be triggering this.

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