Why is my cat's fur so matted?

by Meg
(San Diego)

I have a 15 year old male tabby. He has always been healthy, but lately his fur on his lower back has matted into several clumps. I wonder if he's having trouble reaching to groom himself?

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Sep 21, 2018
Brush him more
by: Jim W.

Brush him more often and see if you can help him lose a little weight, too. I have seen some cats, though, with skin conditions or other diseases that get matted fur. Check with your vet on that.

Sep 18, 2018
Matted Fur
by: Ellyb

HI, I think you figured part of the problem. Senior cats can have a more difficult time grooming. They also will stop grooming when they don't feel well. I don't know how old your cat is, but my two lived to be 18 and their fur was dull, shedding and not as well kept. I found out that they both had significant health problems and as they felt better, they started grooming again. Eventually, They had to be put to sleep. I hope your cats only have a passing problem.

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