Why is my cat hissing for no reason?

by Jessaca

When I pet him and he’s rubbing up against me, he will he purring and seemingly happy. Then he will just let out one lone hiss. But he doesn’t flatten his ears, raise his fur, or change his pupils. Then he goes back to purring like nothing happened. I’ve touched him all over to see if he has any pain spots but I haven’t found a specific spot that makes him hiss.

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Hiss for no reason
by: Randy

My female does the same thing. Will be purring during a petting session, then a sudden hiss and maybe a "friendly" swipe. Claws out, but a very gentile touch, then right back to purring and enjoying the pets. It's not aggressive at all, but I have no idea why she does it.

Is it an exhale or a hiss?
by: Mike

Sometimes cats will let out a long exhale and it can sound like a hiss. If it's not that, and really a hiss, I'm not sure. I wouldn't worry about it unless he seems ill.

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