Why is my cat being so vocal?

by Taylor Ciofani
(Burlington, ON)

Last summer my 4-year-old cat sneaked outside after (I believe) an outdoor cat got into our backyard. Since then, he’s gotten more vocal, and it seems like he’s reverted to being a kitten.

We went to the vet and he said that my cat had an alkaline problem. We’ve been taking care of him to help it, and he’s still super vocal. I don’t know if I should be concerned, or if it’s just a normal thing?

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Overly Stimulated?
by: Jolie66

I think I remember there also being some sort of medical condition, but it seems like you've already addressed that with your vet. That said, I think once your cat got outside and saw the birds and all nature has to offer, she just got super stimulated. I've read that when cats start to talk a lot it means that we cat parents need to distract them with one of those interactive feather toys on a string, or simply provide lots of fun toys for them to play with. Too bad we can't understand what they are saying. Sometimes I just answer my cat back, and she says her piece and runs upstairs!

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