Why does my cat run to me meowing?

by Aryanna
(Herculaneum, MO USA)

Why is my 2 year old cat all of a sudden randomly running to my bedroom to meow at me. She sits there and I pet her and give her attention, and then try to put her on my bed, but she just runs away.

Usually she runs to the air vent blowing air, then she goes to me and I'm not sure why. It's been going on for about two weeks now and she's never been this vocal before.

It's worrying me because I've never seen any of my previous kittens or cats just randomly run to me meowing, almost crying for attention and then running away.

She is fed and she drinks her water. She loves to eat so I'm not sure what to do here. Please help.

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Follow her
by: Kurt (Admin)

When Jazzy does that, he often either wants me to follow him to the cabinet where the treats are, or he wants to play. Sometimes, though, it seems like it's just a greeting and nothing more.

Try seeing if she'll lead you to where she wants you to go. If she doesn't start moving towards a particular area, maybe she just wants you to play with her. At that point, I'd bring out the toys and see what happens.

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