Why does my cat not eat or use litter box when I’m not home?

by Anonymous

My cat (have had her for two months) is 1 year old. She is extremely active, playful, and friendly with any guests. When I’m not home, however, she does not eat or use the litter box.

She stays hidden under my bed or on a blanket on the couch and does not move until I get home. When I’m home she immediately starts eating and uses the bathroom. What’s going on?

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How do you know she doesn't move?
by: Mike

Unless you have a camera set up, I'm not sure how you know for sure she doesn't move. She may be moving all over the house while you're not there. On the other hand, maybe she feels secure with you and explores more when you're around. This will likely change as she gets used to the new home. Eating and litter box habits can vary from cat to cat, and change over time.

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