Why does my cat meow at me after sitting on the windowsill?

by Jennifer
(New Jersey)

My cat, like most felines, loves to sit on the windowsill. So much, that he wakes me up, early in the morning and hints for me to open the window. Even on rainy days, he puts his paws on the windowsill, as his feet remain on the ground, and just stares out the window.

One thing that concerns me, is that he throws himself from the windowsill and onto the floor, he looks me dead in my eye while he meows, and he lays sideways on the floor.

Sometimes, he comes up to me and meows repeatedly. I stand up, pet him, and look out the window to see if he is trying to show me something. My inference is that he gets very warm and he throws himself on the floor to cool himself down.

My doubts with this is that I leave an extra bowl with water and an ice cube in it. He still continues to meow and sometimes won't even take a sip from the bowl until much later.

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Silly kitty
by: Billy the Rat Catcher

Cats don't necessarily drink to cool off, but they do lie down on the floor like that. It sounds like you have a vocal cat that likes to talk to you. It's hard to know what he's saying, but maybe it's just his way of saying "hey."

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