Why cat suddenly so affectionate?

by Anonymous

My cat used to get mad at me for petting him for too long and he never cuddled with me. He always moved away when I came near him while he laid down. But now he's rubbing up on me, laying on my chest (or just next to me) and purring, and he wants attention all the time. He's always meowing too.

He was originally my brother's cat, but my brother is gone now, and we removed all of his stuff so I was thinking that might be why? I'm happy that he's cuddling with me now but I'm also kind of worried about him. I just want to know why the sudden personality change.

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Maybe he's more used to you now
by: Billy the Rat Catcher

It's probably just a bonding thing. He's getting more comfortable with you and perhaps it's the combination of that and removing your brother's stuff. If he seems okay and healthy in other ways, I think he's probably just bonding. Obviously, if you're worried, a trip to the vet would be reassuring.

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