What to do if I have male and female sibling kittens?

by Kim
(United Kingdom)

I recently bought two kittens from the same litter. I was led to believe they where both female, but have recently discovered that I have a male and female and am unsure what I should do.

It is heart breaking as I don't want to have to get rid of either of them, but I really don't want them breeding with each other. Can anyone help?

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Supervise, separate, and get them fixed
by: Kurt (Admin)

I don't know how old they are, but many vets will fix at four months old.

When you say you "bought" them, did you get them from a breeder? Most breeders I've talked to have a contract that requires you to get the kittens fixed. Then again, a breeder should have known you were getting a male and female.

I know it's not easy, but I would supervise them and separate them if necessary, and get them spayed and neutered before anything happens. When the female is old enough to go into heat, get her spayed asap.

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