What is the meaning behind this odd behavior?

by Kimberly
(Austin, Texas)

Calmly licking

Calmly licking

I have a male cat and a female cat, both fixed, both 3 years old (4 month difference). They are in no way related, but have been together basically their entire lives.

Well, so, they're both asleep and when the female wakes up first, she makes a b-line directly to the male cat, with no regard that he's in a deep sleep. She starts licking (grooming) his ears, face, head and neck area. He wakes up and returns the favor, so they're both having a total lick-fest.

One might slow down or the male will bite the back of the female's neck, but no matter what, the ears flatten and spontaneously they're in a no holds barred brawl. It's like fricking clockwork.

I've never had cats act that way before and I'm super curious as to why this behavior happens. Oh, one more thing, it's NEVER the male cat approaching the female. Please help me understand!!

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Fighting after grooming
by: Jim W.

Cats fighting after grooming each other (or during) is common. I've heard different reasons for this, but it could be if the grooming session goes on for too long, one or the other of the cats will get annoyed. This is the same thing you experience when petting your cat. If you don't stop soon enough, it can quickly turn from purring enjoyment to blood drawing biting and scratching.

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