What could this scab-like patch be on our cat's nose?

by Lisa
(Ontario, Canada)

Adoption day

Adoption day

We just adopted our sweet cat a few weeks ago. When we met her, she had a dry raised patch on her nose that looked almost like an old scab or scar.

The employee at the SPCA said that she had never noticed but it was likely from rubbing on the cage or carrier. After looking back at photos, we have realized how much more profound it looks now (gradually over the past few weeks so we couldn't tell until comparing photos!)

It doesn't seem to bother her but she has been more reclusive and sometimes sounds a bit congested in her nose. We have a vet appointment in a few weeks, but I am worried if it is serious we should not wait that long. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Jul 15, 2022
by: Anonymous

Hi did you ever find out what it was?

Jan 05, 2022
by: Anonymous

It could be ringworm, which is a fungus.

Jun 01, 2021
What was it?
by: Andre

Did you ever find out what it was? One of my cats has this.. thanks

Mar 29, 2020
Spider bite?
by: Jim W.

Looks like it might be some kind of a spider bite as they spread like that sometimes. I would go to the vet as soon as possible to have it checked out.

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