What can I do to get a cat with runny eyes and nose to eat?

by Kristi Northcutt
(Carlsbad, NM)

She is drinking water, but I cannot seem to tempt her into eating anything. I know refusing to eat can rapidly turn into a crisis situation. Should I try to force feed her with a syringe?

I have no money for the vet, who has become very expensive. It is not possible to go to the vet without paying at least $75, and it's usually much more.

I don't mean I have money that is earmarked for other things, making a vet visit not within my budget, I mean I have NO money to pay a vet. Is it safe to try to use marijuana to stimulate her appetite? Is there anything I can get OTC that will stimulate her appetite?

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Nov 18, 2024
Canned salmon
by: Daniel Skeer

I always go back to canned salmon. I would not use marijuana or any human meds on a cat without a vet's approval. Maybe there are others with experience in that area.

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