What are these lumps on my kitten's neck?

by Maria

Can anybody tell me what these lumps on my kitten's neck mean? I found a box with two kittens (a boy and a girl) left in it with half a small bag of adult cat food. I've never had cats before but I didn't want to leave them there.

Both cats seemed normal at first and shy and timid, then got comfortable and were playing around and eating lots of food (kitten food). Then out of nowhere one of the kittens (the boy) starts acting very lethargic and stops playing with the other kitten. He was just being beaten up by his sister, so I separated them.

He was doing better for a little while but now he doesn't play at all or even walk around. He's eating less and now he has a huge lump on the front of his neck and his head.

He's very sweet and doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch it or him. It still just seems very random and only affected one kitten. They can't be more than 3 or 4 months old and I got them about a month ago.

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Dec 01, 2024
by: Anonymous

Did you find out what it was and how it’s treated?

Oct 23, 2021
Lump answer
by: Anonymous

I have a week-old kitten exactly the same but lost fur on them and they are huge and same locations. They are very squishy and think. Like almost filled with water? Did you get an answer? Mine goes to vet tomorrow.

Sep 09, 2019
Lumps on neck
by: Anonymous

I have a boy kitten who also has lump looks exactly the same did you ever find out what it is?

Aug 25, 2019
I would see a vet
by: Sally F.

Lethargy and lumps sound like a serious combination to me, so I would recommend seeing a vet.

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