Urine marking smell 2 years later?

by Krissy

We had two female cats that did urine marking over territories in several areas in my house.  We cleaned the best we could as we found the spots with Nature's Miracle.

Both females have since passed away and there has been no urine marking for two years.  We were thinking of getting a new kitten and were wondering if the new cat would mark on the old spots.

Would the smell still be there two years later even after using Nature's Miracle on the spots?

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Sep 19, 2024
by: James D.

I think it depends on the type of material or construction it is vs. how well you were able to cover it with the Nature's Miracle.

Gravity and wicking can be a royal PITA.

For example, when urine soaks into a carpet and gets down into the carpet pad, it spreads much wider than the area that is visible on the carpet itself. It's very hard to be sure that carpet padding has been completely treated with the Nature's Miracle.

For wood floors, gravity does the same thing and you can end up with urine under the planks.

Will the smell still be there enough to trigger a new cat's desire to pee on it? I can't say.

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