The World Is Your Litter Box: A How-To Manual for Cats

by Steve Fisher

The World is Your LItter Box Book Cover

The World is Your LItter Box Book Cover

The World Is Your Litter Box

-By Quasi, (and Steve Fisher)

Yet another cute cat book, you say? Look closer. Sure, The World Is Your Litter Box looks like just another cute cat book, but that’s merely a clever ruse to get human cat lovers to buy it.

In fact, this is a how-to manual FOR CATS, written by one of their own (Quasi), and chock full of must-know information such as how to look cute, how to get food anytime you want it, how to get your human to sing and act like a complete idiot, good places to hide – even a list of great places for cats to toss their cookies when they need to get rid of pesky hairballs.

All the tips an imaginative cat needs to make their life even more pleasant and enjoyable than it already is! Edgy, laugh-out-loud funny, and loaded with cat attitude (would you expect anything less?), The World Is Your Litter Box is underscored by the combative, yet loving relationship between Quasi and his human, Steve. Sure to please even the most finicky reader!

For more information, including excerpts and reviews, please visit The World Is Your Litter Box.

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