Strange adult male cat sexual behavior toward kitten?

by Catlover298

Do adult male cats just hump male kittens or do they perform the actual sexual act with them? I have a male adult cat of 4 years. He is not neutered and acts very strange sexually towards my 2-3 month old male kitten.

At times my older male cat will lick the kitten, and sort of groom him. He’ll mount him by biting his neck and placing himself on top but I never know whether he is actually having sex with him or just humping.

I’m trying to understand more what is going on and I need help.

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Just going through the motions
by: Jim W.

They just go through the motions. When you get your adult cat neutered there will probably be less of this behavior. In the meantime, it might be a good idea to try to prevent this behavior to keep your kitten from being injured.

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