I know your pain, all too well. I hope you will find another kitty someday that needs your love. It won't replace Stinker but so many kitties out there need us and we need them.
Jan 03, 2016
I share your grief every day by: Bukitty's Dad
Oh how I wish there was a way to keep all of us from this horrible pain of losing our pet companions; however it is a part of life that no one can avoid unfortunately.
When I lost Bukitty a few years ago it hurt so much I didn't know if I could make it, but somehow I did.
What helped me the most was having Bukitty cremated so she could stay with me at home where I could watch over her. A good friend from Ft. Worth suggested this to me at the time and it really helped.
Bukitty stays on the fireplace mantel on her favorite blanket to this day.
Jan 01, 2016
stinker by: dee
I feel your pain; God bless
Dec 31, 2015
Remember Stinker always by: Debbie Moore
So sorry but one day y'all will meet at the rainbow bridge and be together again God Bless keep all the happy memories
Dec 31, 2015
Rest in peace by: Anonymous
So so sorry stinker is gorgeous I know what you are going through and my thoughts are with you God bless RIP STINKER XXXXX
Dec 31, 2015
Sorry for your loss by: kim
Sorry for your loss. She has now crossed the rainbow bridge and is free to run through the fields.
Dec 31, 2015
RIP by: carrie
So sorry for your loss of your precious one. I am grieving today too. The 31st today is two years since I lost my 20 yo most sweetest cat I ever had. I am going to put some flowers on her grave today.
Dec 31, 2015
Stinker by: JudyD
Stinker, always loved. Sleep with the Angels and fly with the butterflies.
Dec 30, 2015
Love you Stinker by: Rebeca
She was a well loved kitty and will be very much missed. Won't forget her cuddling up with me when I spent a night on the couch. RIP Stinker.
Dec 30, 2015
RIP Stinker by: Rhonda
So sorry to hear about Stinker, she was the best kitty ever 😞 You will be so missed.
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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