Spots and Stripes Inc

by LTC David Lemke
(Tacoma, WA, USA)

Spots and Stripes works to "Save Wild and Feral Cats Four Paws at a Time" through capture-neuter-release, vet checks and shots for feral cats, as well as constant monitoring and feeding of feral colonies at home and around the world.

Separately, we work to help big cats whenever and wherever we can. In Russia, we provide support and protection for eight Siberian Tigers.

In India, we have worked to relocate families found "squatting" on "Project: Tiger" land. In Kenya, we help support three war orphaned leopards and two war orphaned cheetahs.

Our charter forbids our founder, officers and members from getting paid, ever. With the help of the IRS Agent in charge of our 501(c)(3) status, this clause was incorporated from day one.

So far we have spayed or neutered over 2,000 feral cats in the Tacoma/Puyallup area of Washington State alone. Chapters have been opened in approximately three dozen cities across the U.S., and many more in other countries.

Our mission is clear: Do whatever we can to prevent the birth of unwanted kittens, extend the lives of feral cats and show them human love and kindness. When we do find a domesticated cat in a colony, we first try to find their owner. When that fails, we have several no-kill shelters that work with to adopt cats to loving homes that we can turn to.

Additionally, we have worked to help senior citizens tend to their cat's needs, such as assuring they have a clean litter box, clean water and food. We have even helped low-income families get their cats spayed and healthy.

Times have been tough during the recession. Donations are at a trickle. If you can afford even one dollar, send it via PayPal to spotsandstripes AT, or mail a check to:

Spots and Stripes
1122 So I St
Tacoma WA 98405

Additionally, for a limited time you can join and select Spots and Stripes as your cause. If you download their toolbar using this link:

...we will get a five dollar donation. If you shop through them during the first 45 days, we will get an additional $5.00. Perform a search through them and they will donate one penny for each valid search. Isn't that great? A wonderful way to help big and small cats without spending a penny yourself! Thank you!

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Great Organization!
by: Dr. Lee

This is a wonderful organization! I've worked with them on and off for the past five years, and they actually do go out and get their hands dirty taking care of feral cats! Many groups have great websites and give a lot of lip service, but don't lift a finger to help cats.

You can use this link to donate directly to them through PayPal:

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