He is just what you needed when you needed; enjoy his love.
Gorgeous Guy by: Anonymous
Socks (good name) looks a LOT like my Blake, who is the sweetest, gentlest, and most laid back cat I have ever met -- and I've met a lot! Enjoy your Socks. :)
My cat winston by: Anonymous
My cat Winston is a mixed Russian Blue. He is also like a dog.
Socks from Bellmore by: odile
He's beautiful! Has the same markings as my female Tuxedo, who is an awesome cat. Enjoy him! Your friend gave you a wonderful gift.
So Cute! by: My Way Ranch
He is precious! He looks like my boy, Little White Paws.
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
At Purradox Sphynxery, our vision and mission reflect our passion for raising exceptional Sphynx cats and creating lasting connections with loving families.
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