Sick cat is losing weight

by Kelli Thomas
(Tehachapi, CA)

I have a black and white cat that my family got from a friend. We got him at 8 weeks old (from what I know), the cat has never taken good care of himself and now the cat is a few years old. Now he is starting to become sick. He has started losing weight and his fur is clumping together. He is an outside cat. What could be wrong with him?

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May 26, 2009
Been there
by: Kirin

Hi, I've been in your situation. I can only share my story with you. I recently lost a cat that had similar symptoms as yours.

My Smokey Joe was adopted from the no kill shelter when he was nine weeks, or so they thought, my vet told me he was only 5 weeks and he was an abandoned kitty. He lived inside my house and always was a very clean and smart kitty. I loved him so much, he was my world.

He was a little over five years old when he started losing weight, stopped eating, and by the time I realized he'd already lost six lbs, which is a lot for a cat to lose in just a short time.

He stopped sleeping with me, and his personality was poor and sickly. I took him to the vet and said he was yellow and had FIP. Vet also said he probably had this disease and that it was dormant since birth. I lost it, when he said he couldn't do anything for him.

FIP is when a cat's immune system is failing and it hits all the organs at the same time. I say to take your kitty in to your vet right away, and I hope that it isn't what I had to go thru. My heart goes out to you.

I had a couple of my friends from work take my Smokey Joe down to the vet so he could help him cross over to Rainbow Bridge. I wept for weeks, but have now got a new friend. And he's beautiful. Much luck to you and your special friend.

May 25, 2009
Only Your Vet Can Say For Sure
by: Kurt (Cat Lovers Only Admin)

Only your veterinarian can tell for sure, but rapid weight loss in cats may be a sign of serious illness. The problem with the fur may be because he's too sick to groom himself properly.

Weight loss is a symptom of many cat illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, and immune disorders and infectious diseases.

Get your cat to the vet right away.

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