Should I lock my cat out of the bedroom while I sleep?

by Ryan
(Washington, D.C.)

Is it a good idea to lock my cat out of my bedroom to condition him to not sleep with me? I recently adopted a cat -- he's the sweetest guy. For the first few nights he was here, I allowed him to sleep in my room. I generally have no issue with him sleeping with me, but he's still young and gets substantial bursts of energy in the middle of the night.

The past few nights, I've locked him out of my room to condition him that he cannot sleep with me. The first night he was pretty loud, but he's starting to be less loud. So I have two questions:

1. Is this a good idea?
2. I moved my work desk into the living area to give him less of a reason to go into my bedroom and this also gives me more time to spend with him during the day and forces him to explore the rest of the apartment.

Thank you!

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Sounds like a plan
by: James Fink

Some cats are very insistent about closed doors, but if you can train him to stay out of the bedroom at night, more power to you. I gave up and gave in with mine. Moving your work desk sounds like a good idea.

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