Should I introduce my cat to a scratching post?

by Junior

I’ve had my new kitten for about two days already and I haven’t seen her really exhibit any interest in scratching things like furniture, etc. although I occasionally catch her stretching/scratching at the carpet. She doesn’t really do it long, just for the duration of the stretch.

What I’m wondering is should I introduce her to them or should I wait until she shows interest in scratching at things? I don’t wanna teach her how to scratch things so she can go test out her new skill on the furniture or anything. What should I do?

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scratching post
by: Anonymous

I say YES, cheap to find & buy, needed & save interior furniture,

Encourage scratching post use early and often
by: Jim W.

Cats naturally stretch and scratch, and sometimes they scratch things you don't want them to. Redirecting your cat to appropriate scratching surfaces, like a scratching post, is a good practice. If your cat reacts to catnip (and is old enough at 6 months+), then I would recommend rubbing catnip on the scratching posts as well.

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