Should I get a cat?

by Ryan

I've been wanting to adopt a cat for a while now, but my house is a little chaotic. My grandparents cook for a small family-run store on Friday - Sunday for usually the whole day.

During that time, different meats and spices are on an island table in the middle of my kitchen.

My plan is to get cat repellent and put it on the sides of the corners where my kitchen is to ensure they don't accidentally eat or contaminate the food.

Would this be a good idea or should I just avoid getting a cat in general?

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It could be a problem
by: Jim W.

Plenty of cats live in busy households, but preparing food for hours like that is probably a tricky situation.

I think if there's a way you could block access to the kitchen, that would be best. Even if you use those air sprayer type cat deterrents, you may still have a cat winding around everyone's feet while they're trying to work.

It depends on the cat, of course, and how the people react, but I think only you can answer your question. If it's right for you, you'll figure out a way. Otherwise, wait until the timing is better.

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