Should I continue to let my cat out on my balcony or keep him in?

by Stacy Bernoski
(Wheeling, WV)



I live on the 2nd floor, not high up, but still nervous. He has always stayed on the balcony but yesterday I couldn't find him and when I called, he came straight away. But the banister is VERY thin and it scared me. He, of course, seemed like it was no big deal.

He loves hanging on the balcony and always starts rolling around in happiness when I let him out there, especially in the sun.

Will he start resenting me if I don't let him out there again? He can look through the sliding glass doors and screen, and I have 2 big windows as well he can look out of.

Very grateful for any suggestions. Thank you so kindly. Stacy in Wheeling, WV.

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Healthy and Happy is best
by: Anonymous

Is it possible to screen in your balcony in such a way that he cannot escape or fall? If not I would highly recommend keeping him off the balcony. There are just too many dangers out there for your little guy should he continue to adventure away from the safety of the balcony.

Reinforce the balcony?
by: Sally F.

I would never want to suggest someone do something that could put their cat at risk. Is it possible to reinforce the balcony?

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