Should I adopt a second cat?

by CD

I adopted two brothers (Maine Coon mixes) when they were about 2.5 months old. I have no other pets. One of the kittens became ill with what doctors concluded was likely the dry form of FIP and passed away a little over 2 months ago.

The brothers were very close and would play and snuggle together. The brother that I still have does not seem depressed, but he does seem like he would enjoy having another playmate.

He did seem to be the slightly more dominant kitten. He is now about 10 months old.

Does anyone have any thoughts on whether I should adopt a second cat and the age, gender, and breed of the cat? A vet recommended getting a cat about the same age and male (but female OK).

Also, I am wondering if anyone has any experience on adding a cat to a household where a cat passed away from FIP.

Did you wait a certain period or do any tests for the coronavirus on the cat(s) in your home or the new cat?

I have read that it is good to wait from three to six months, but I would appreciate any advice others might have on this.

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by: Mary

Sorry about your loss.

Second cat
by: Carol

In a big fan of multiple cat households. Having lost cats to a transmitable sickness, I would confirm with your vet if your remaining Maine Coon has it. There are many shelters that have already "I infected" Cats that are fine otherwise. Good luck and so sorry for you loss

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