Picture: Winney the Tormentor

by Cindy
(Norwalk, CT USA)

I rescued 5 outdoor kittens last year and ended up keeping them ALL. The following year, the mother of my kitties gave birth to two more females.

I finally got her trapped and fixed (along with three other outdoor cats that I feed outside). But, I waited too long for her daughters - they were only 4 months old and I thought I had more time!

I discovered they were both pregnant. They were not too friendly but I took them indoors when they went into labor. Both gave birth to three kittens each on the same day.

I kept the kittens and moms for the requisite 12 weeks in my second bedroom. The sisters co-parented the kittens and I'm not sure even the mom's knew which kitten belonged to which mom except for Winney.

She was the only calico of the group. I found homes for everyone but the person who was going to take Winney backed out at the last moment.

By then, I loved her which brought my indoor clan to six cats! Yes, I am now known as the cat lady.

Winney TORMENTS my other five - chases them, jumps on them, bats at them. They hiss, bat and growl at her but she could care less.

I love her for her spunk and fearlessness. My mother recently passed away and I don't know what I would do without my "family." They make coming home a joy!

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Thank you!
by: Kurt (Admin)

Thank you so much for sharing Winney with us, Cindy! She's an adorable little tormentor!

I'm sorry to hear about your mother, but I'm glad your kitties were a comfort. Thank you for taking care of all of these cats!

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