Perfect Pet Adoption Center

Jasmine, 6 month old playful kitten

Jasmine, 6 month old playful kitten

Perfect Pet Adoption Center was founded in 2002 and we received our 501(c)(3) status in 2004.

It was created out of love for homeless pets and a desire for them to have the lives that they deserve. Pets give more love and loyalty than we deserve.

We are always looking for loving foster homes where our pets can be spoiled while they are waiting for their forever homes.

It is very important that pets and families be a good match...

All family members including pets must accept a new pet and it is equally important that the pet accepts everyone in the family, and also is compatible with their lifestyle.

Adopting a pet is a long term commitment. If a family sees any reason that they can't fulfill that commitment, they should think hard about adopting.

For this reason, we ask for an application so that we can make recommendations about a pet that is a possible match. Then, we check references and give you an opportunity to meet the pet.

We also bring the pet to your home to meet the family members and give you time to be sure that the pet is going to be a happy addition to your family!

Please contact perfectpetadoption (AT) gmail .com today!

Perfect Pet Adoption Center

Reynoldsburg, Ohio

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