Paddy Paws from Dorset
by Valerie Guppy
Paddy was a stray for a year before we realized it as he came on the scene at the same time our neighbor brought in a new stable cat of the same color.
During the year he was chased off by some neighbors and became really vicious. When I realized he was a stray we took him in, but for a year he was actually dangerous.
We couldn't look him in the eyes without him seeing it as a threat and attacking us. We couldn't stroke him or touch any part of his body apart from stroking his cheek with one finger.
It took two years for him to really trust us, and he gradually became the sloppiest, most loving cat anyone could wish for.
He would lay in my arms and stroke my face with his paw, nibble my ear and rub his face against mine.
He became ill with projectile vomiting, which got worse over months. He had all the tests but no one seemed to be able to come up with any answers.
Eventually we had to have him put to sleep as he was feeling so ill and his kidneys were failing. Cats just do not live long enough and special ones like Paddy Paws leave such a hole in your life.