Will you post a picture of summer? So I can see what she looks like bigger. I have a kitten I'm getting one week that looks similar. Thanks
Colors by: Anonymous
The markings are super on your kitty, Summer.
Summer's collar by: Debbie
Hi all, don't worry, the collar is not too tight. I can fit 2 fingers through. Summer's just a very fluffy kitten. lol
Beuatiful colors by: Anonymous
She is outstanding! Collars are not too tight if you can put 2 fingers between the collar and the cat. Yes Cats DO NEED COLLARS> If they sneak out or get ran over or hurt at lease people will know 1: it belongs to some one not a stray and 2: what family to contact if something would happen. My cats all have them and they are indoor cats, but manage to get out when the grand babies are here.
Like my Annie! by: Anonymous
I have a 7 yr old torbie like this. She has an orange tabby left leg and a black tabby right leg. Her face is the same. Just beautiful!
Precious by: VELJEFFRIESAnonymous
So beautiful and sweet, God bless you!!!!!!!
Sweet by: Anonymous
She is beautiful and I hope you have many wonderful years together.
Summer by: Anonymous
Summer is beautiful, but the collar detracts from her beauty. Besides, cats don't need collars. Ask Jackson Galaxy from "My Cat From Hell".
Summer by: Dora
She is pretty and sweet. She looks like a loving kitten. I'm happy for you all to receive this little baby girl. May God Bless you and Summer and family.
Summer by: Muriel
Gorgeous calico markings, but her collar looks a little tight.
Awww... by: Susie
She's a beautiful little girl! So sweet looking. I love her coloring.
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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