Odd tail chasing
by Mike
I own two cats, Frodo and Raphael, from the same litter. Frodo is very talkative, playfully aggressive, and seems to be the more intelligent of the two (I've taught him tricks). Raphael is a lap cat, very friendly, and very... VERY lazy.
The odd behaviour is with Frodo - he's grown accustomed to chasing his tail whenever he is alone, and I don't mean when we leave him for hours - the SECOND he is alone, he will begin chasing his tail. He will get so into his tail chasing that he won't notice anything else... until he bites down on his tail or gets his claw stuck once he catches it.
He will do it 10 times a day, and that's only when I'm home. When he catches his tail he growls, usually turns to an angry, low meow, as if he were facing an unfamiliar cat. Is this a problem? Possibly something he will grow out of soon...?