New mother cat hasn’t stopped meowing the past few days?

by Tera Elizabeth

My cat, who is a new mother as of a month ago, hasn’t stopped meowing the past few days?

Her name is Sassy and her kittens are 5 weeks old. Around a week ago I let the kittens roam freely around the basement/room where Sassy gave birth, and I’ve continued to let them roam since then.

A few days ago I gave the kittens wet food for the first time and I’ve been letting them drink water for about a week too. They now have a litter box as well and since yesterday or the day before, Sassy hasn’t stopped meowing.

She also peed on my bed yesterday so I slept upstairs in a different room last night. I know that she might be meowing because of either going into heat or because she wants me to be near her litter when she’s feeding them.

I don’t know why she’s acting like this, though, because she never meowed so much during heat before. I’ve left her alone all day nearly every day with the kittens and she hasn’t peed on my bed or clothes before. Should I take her to the vet?

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Sep 01, 2019
I would take her to the vet
by: Jim W.

I would take her to the vet to make sure she doesn't have an infection or some other physical problem. Good luck with her!

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