My veterinarian told me to release my cat in the park

by Sada

Last year, when I moved to a new home, there was this little cat—probably 2 or 3 months old. I used to feed him in the yard, but after some time, the neighbors didn’t allow me to do that.

So, since my home was on the first floor with a window, I let the cat come into my place. I gave him food, toys, everything. He’d eat, play, then go out through the window, and after 2 or 3 hours, he’d come back to eat and rest. Only I could touch him; he was scared of everyone else.

Unfortunately, we had to move to another home, one with a yard. I thought we should take the cat with us, so we did. When we moved to the new home, the first night, he was so scared, shaking in his box. He hid under the bed for 5 hours.

At night, he started meowing loudly—he was stressed from changing homes. For 5 days, I tried to stay with him, but he was meowing every second. For 5 nights, I couldn’t sleep.

The day after, I let him go to the yard. He smelled everywhere, jumped on the wall, and left. After 2 hours, he came back fighting with a big black cat. Oh, that was stressful for me. I tried to interfere, and my cat came back home with wounds. I cried and cried.

I couldn’t handle it, so I went to the doctor. He said that since we brought him to another cat’s territory, fights would keep happening. I asked, “What should we do?” He replied, “Bring him to a park where you know people feed cats.”

I did that 2 months ago. I’ve gone back there 3 times but haven’t seen him. I’m sad, really sad. Where is he? Is he hungry? Can he find food? These questions are killing me.
Please help me, please.

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That's horrible advice
by: Billy the Rat Catcher

That veterinarian is an idiot. I hope the cat is okay.

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