Just over a year ago, I adopted a pair of cats. I said to my son (he's 10), "Let's give them names that mean "Ruler," because cats think they rule the roost lol." We named the male Chantilly 'Fallon' because it means "in charge" in Welsh/French, and the female European Shorthair is Ariel, which means "Lion of God" in Hebrew, and she thinks she is lol.
Alister by: Anonymous
He's beautiful! I love Alister. If it were me I'd probably name him Alister and end up calling him Ali. (or even Ali-oop) :)
kitten name by: Anonymous
A name for the kitten could be sweetie pie. I usually go by their behaviors in how they act. Is the kitten feisty, playful a lot, likes to cuddle a lot.
Adorable by: Anonymous
He is a good looking guy! May you spend many long years together.
The Name by: Anonymous
I really think he looks like an Alister! My brother in law told me once if I pick up a cat and instantly know their name that is what I should name them! I don't know how much truth is in that but I absolutely love your name choice!!!! Go with what your heart says!!!! Have a great homecoming with him too!
Take care always,
Kitty Name by: Anonymous
He looks more like a Leopold to me or a Tigurr.
Congrats by: Anonymous
but cat names by: Teresa
Baron, Zeus, Garfield, Chester, Dexter, Damon.
cats name by: Lynn
I have a male cat named Skippy (like p-nut butter). I also had a male cat named Max.... He is a precious boy!! Congratulations on your new addition.
A few names by: Anonymous
Here are a few names that I think would fit your sweet boy: Jax, Tommy, Max, Lionel, Pete. The name Pete means a lot to me 'cause when I was a young girl I had one that looked like yours and named him Pete... Stanley would be good also... just a few suggestions, maybe you can chose one for him that fits his personality. Good luck.
New son by: Anonymous
Congrats my suggestion is sunny max.
Name that kitten by: Anonymous
He is a very lucky fellow to find a forever home. How about Lucky? Or you can just wait till you get to know him to see his antics and go from there. I am also partial to Sammie.
lovely by: Genneva Ortiz
Congratulations on your gorgeous new kitty. Name him, "Blessed". He is because of you, and you are because of him. Stay blessed.
Baby Alistar by: Adrian
Thanks folks. Just got back from Walmart he's spoiled already and I don't pick him up for another hour!
Congratulations by: Leslie
He is adorable!
Name for New Son by: Anonymous
Big Jake........he's a little guy with a big presence!
name for the lovely baby cat by: Abhilasha
Name by: Anonymous
Ivel! Pronounced with a long i. He is adorable!
Name! by: Deb Woock
Boy? I like Docker!
New Name by: Anonymous
I agree I like the name "Tigger".
my new son by: Anonymous
Looks like a Dusty to me:-)
New kitty by: Brenda
He's definitely a CINNAMON...
Kitty's new name by: Anonymous
Maybe you can call him TUNA or BLESSING
Cat name(s) by: Kelly
Rufus, Riley, Murphy, JJ
Kitty name by: Mary Anne
How about "Tigger" (from Winnie the Pooh)???
Naming The Kitty by: Anonymous
He looks very much like my new baby and his name is Zachariah. But I think Alistar is a great name for him.
Name for your new son. by: Alice
I think your new son looks a Finnegan!!! He is adorable!!
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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