My Lazy Peanut
by Michaela
I have a Classic Brown Tabby Mix and his name is Peanut. I gave Peanut some catnip one day. Maybe even a little too much.
When I gave him the catnip, he ate it, all of it! He was fine until he fell asleep. Since he sleeps often, I didn't see to him any different than usual.
When he had been sleeping for 3 hours while I was talking next to him, I started to worry. I said his name a few times, no answer. Then I laid an oven mit on his belly, no answer. I played with his tail some, no answer.
At this time I was really scared. I looked around the room for anything loud and found an old Christmas bell. I rang it by his ear and he jumped 5 feet in the air! Apparently, he was drunk on catnip.