My kitten has decided to poop in the bathroom

My kitten has decided to poop in the bathroom instead of his litter box.

Even before I washed his litter box and after, my cat poops in the bathroom. He has done it four times now. Help.

My Thoughts:

I'm sorry to hear that your kitten is having difficulties. I don't have a lot to go on here, so I'll say that there are two "biggies" potentially involved in the cause of these problems.

The first is a medical condition. For example, if he developed, say, painful constipation and associated pain with the litter box.

The second is stress. Stress can come in many forms, including a change in routine (yours or his) or another animal.

You need to figure out whether or not he has a medical problem and/or is being stressed in some way. Then, relieve those conditions.

I've outlined the basics here in more detail. Rather than repeat all that here, please see that page.

I hope that helps and please keep us informed as to his progress.

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Feb 06, 2012
Try this
by: Kristine

I had a cat that decided to pee and poop in one bedroom. I closed off that bedroom, made sure she knew where the litter box was and she has been fine. BUT I never reopened that other bedroom - door stays shut. Try that.

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