My favorite Tigger in the world, I introduce you to my cat

by Miah
(prefer not to say)

tigger tiger on the wall who the cutest of em all its tigger

tigger tiger on the wall who the cutest of em all its tigger

He's so friendly. Here's how it all started. My mom's first cat, she got at Montcalm and his name was mama baby. He looked like a black cat. He was extremely friendly, but one day the neighbors were sick of him. He got into fights with the neighbors' cats.

The lawyer told my mom to not let him outside or he would be taken away, but he kept going outside. The very next day he was taken away forever.

A while later her friend gave her a choice of kittens and she SAW… Tigger and his promising and polite, cute, adorable eyes and she chose him. He was a Bengal and tabby mix. He has stripes and spots and he has a pink nose and meows like moeeeeow.

He's 4-years-old now. He has multiple colors. He's grey and black and white and light grey. He had a blueish faint blue on his nose and it disappeared.

He's never hurt anyone. He trusts everyone, rolls over and purrs, and plays and raises his tail base up when I scratch it. He brought my mom a mouse on the last step inside. It was not alive. He hunts them but doesn't eat them. He leaves them outside sometimes. Sorry if it's too long. It's all I remember though.

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So cute
by: Jimmy D.

That is one cute cat!

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