My cat 'prays'
by Marian
(Fremont, CA USA)
I have been owned by cats for 25 years now. My newest addition, Simone, began doing this strange motion about 2 months ago at age 7 months.
She will be looking at something, maybe it's a box, maybe it's an object, maybe food -- it varies -- and she'll sit up, put her two front paws together, and wave them in a "I bless thee" like motion.
Watch on YouTubeI Googled 'cat praying' and found that I am not alone; there were at least 10 cats I saw who were doing the same thing, and it is never for one particular reason. This morning she was playing with the pull cord on my kitchen blinds and then stopped, 'prayed', and then resumed playing. She has also looked out the screen door and done this:
Watch on YouTube... and she's famous for doing this to boxes. She even prayed to a flat envelope one day and a stack of newspapers yesterday.
Ideas??? It is adorable but we always wonder what is going through her little head.
-Marian and her crazy kitty