My cat keeps meowing and hiding

by Anonymous

My cat (British Shorthair, Adult) has been doing this weird thing lately where he will meow a lot with a fluffy toy or his mouse toy in his mouth. He keeps doing that until I go to check on him, and then he will scurry under the kitchen table and watch me for a while before walking back out.

He's never been feisty and has always been really relaxed and friendly. His sister and him were fighting about a month or so ago but it's died down now.

I've looked all over the internet and I can't find anything explaining this. Took him to the vet a month ago too for a separate problem and general checkups and nothing appears to be wrong with him. Please help, I just want to make sure he's not ill again.
Thank you!

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Aug 20, 2024
Probably just playing
by: Gia de la Garza

When my cat does that, he wants to play. He wants you to work for it a little, though. lol. Take the toy and throw it and see if he chases it. With my cat, it sometimes takes a few tries to get him to chase it, but once he starts, he runs all over the house like crazy.

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