My cat is peeing in a different spot in the litter box

by Vilma

This might be a really stupid question, but Nemo is my first cat and I just want to be sure that everything is fine. So I’ve had Nemo for 2 years and he’s always peed in the back of the litter box, always in the same spot, but now he has peed in the front of the litter box a couple of times. Not like outside the box, but in a different spot in the box. I’ve cleaned the box just like I normally do, and I can’t think of anything that I would’ve done differently. So is this normal or should I worry?

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Jul 14, 2021
Not a problem
by: Jenny

That does not sound like a problem to me. He's just changing things up. If his urine volume changes, or he starts going outside the box, that's when I'd worry.

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