My cat has poop stuck in his butt
by Anonymous
My cat has a dirty bottom (poop still in his butt, yet he used the box to poop)!
We became cat owners as a stray cat in the neighborhood needed a home, and all of the cat shelters in our area offered dire solutions for the poor baby.
We have a small house (875 square feet) and already have two dogs). Anyway, this cat is extremely friendly, is not fazed by either of the dogs, but does sometimes have a little poop clinging in his bottom that needs to be cleaned up.
This has happened pretty regularly. He has left some stains on our beds and little pieces of poop on the floor. I have taken him to an initial vet visit (he is getting neutered on August 3), and he was treated for worms, nothing else.
We are feeding him Blue Buffalo Blue indoor healthy cat and there don't seem to be any issues with eating (he loves his friskies cat treats, as do our dogs)!!
I appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you.
My thoughts: Thank you for adopting! If the vet says he's healthy, then I'm wondering if he has a lot of hair in the gut that's causing this problem? This isn't all that uncommon in my experience.
One of my cats, Frankie, had that problem as well. She had longish hair, and it would sometimes prevent the poop from coming all the way out.
She would sometimes race from the box (as cats will do), and drop some of the poop on the floor. Other times, she was fine, and yet other times, I'd have to hold her and pull the remaining poop out of her butt.
Not too pleasant, but that's what cat parents do. :)
If that's the case, talk to your vet about doing something about the hair in the gut, and you'll just have to watch him and do a "butt check."
Also, if his poop is dry, he may be constipated and that may be a problem as well. Some of my readers have found that adding a small amount of olive oil to their cat's food has helped with that, and most cats seem to like the taste.
Another option is adding some unspiced canned pumpkin to the food, which you can
buy from Amazon.
Getting your cat to
drink more water and feeding wet food can help with the constipation as well. Most cats don't drink a lot of water, and if you're feeding dry food, the moisture content is too low. So that's something to think about.
If necessary, there are other treatments for
constipation and
too much hair in the gut that you can explore.
I hope that helps and please update us on his progress,