My cat has moved only two of her kittens

by Karen
(Mildura, Vic)

My cat had kittens four days ago. She has moved two under my bed and is feeding them. Then she goes back to the other four kittens and feeds them. Why is she doing this?

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Dec 08, 2018
The kittens may be ill
by: Kurt (Admin)

Cats often move their kittens to help keep them safe, even if the old spot seems safe and private.

I'm not sure why she only moved two of them, but six kittens is a lot for her to care for. Experts say a mother cat may move a kitten that is sick or has some kind of problem. If so, she may stop caring for them, even though she's feeding them now.

You'll want to keep a close watch on all of them, but pay special attention to those two that have been separated from the rest.

If you suspect there's a problem, you're uncertain of anything, or something doesn't seem right, you'll need to get help from your veterinarian.

Here's an article that offers some tips on caring for a mother cat with newborns. That article advises bringing the mother cat and kittens to the vet at 1-2 weeks, but you may need to do it sooner if there's a problem.

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