Maru is a funny cat. In this video (I think I've seen more than one of him doing this, and this is version 2), he tries to get inside this box by running at it.
***I just saw a notice and asked my library to buy it, and they did! The author is the Japanese "owner" online name, mugumogu. The still shots and captions are a riot! Publisher William Morrow,, ISBN 978-0-06-208841-3.
In English and Japanese. thx, bill*-*
Maru's Breed? Scottish Fold by: Kurt (Cat Lovers Only Admin)
Maru's blog says he's a Scottish Fold (obviously without the fold -- they can be either way depending upon genetics).
Hi! Does anybody know what breed of cat Maru is? I love his look, but I do not have much knowledge about cat breeds.
Maru is adorable! by: MJ
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this site, let along this VIDEO! Maru is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. :-)
Maru Bowls Too by: Kurt (Cat Lovers Only Admin)
I understand that Maru has quite a following. Have look at Maru's blog.
I don't think he's a lap cat, but he does appear to live in the lap of luxury. Here's another Maru video which shows he's definitely enjoying his fame and relaxing only like a star could.
He's also learning to bowl. I've never seen a cat attempt bowling, but hey, this is Maru.
LMAO! by: Anonymous
I love Maru!!! I have never seen a cat do this and I almost fell out of my chair! Thank you for sharing the video of your hilarious (albeit weird) kitty!
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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