Male cat gone for two days acting strangely

by Adele
(Reading, PA)

My boy cat, who will be 1-year-old in July, got outside for two days. He came back, and now he is acting strangely. He doesn't want to be picked up and meows when you grab him. He is not the same acting cat I had??

What can possibly be wrong with him? What should you recommend??

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May 05, 2018
Maybe he was injured?
by: Jim W.

Maybe he was injured by a car or other animals while he was out? Maybe he is just traumatized by his experience outdoors?

One of my cats got out for two days and she wasn't herself at first when she came back. I know of other cats that were hit by cars while outside and refused to be touched. They were in shock and in pain.

Either way, I would try to get him in to see the vet for a check up as soon as possible. If he has internal injuries, you may not know it until he's got big problems.

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