Male cat acting like he is hallucinating
by Trish
(L.E. Calif)
My 1 year old male cat seems to be hallucinating. He is skittish, pupils are dilated, seems to be having pain in left hind quarter, walks super gingerly. This is a very talkative, loving, playful cat normally.
His behavior is so odd and it happened suddenly. please help can anyone tell me what might be going on?
Editor's note: I'm sorry to hear that your kitty is having problems, Trish. I would get him to a veterinarian right away.
Dilated pupils and disorientation, problems walking or being "wobbly" can be signs of poisoning. I would not take any chances.
If he got into some poison, he needs emergency care.
I wish you the best of luck and hope your little guy is OK! Please let us know what happens.